5 March – second break

Ugh. I came up against my first major reality check this morning. My ankles have been swelling so I decided to wear a pair of my compression socks, which honestly, are difficult to put on in the best of circumstances. Today, I managed to wrestle on the first sock but after many attempts and much swearing, I finally had to call Rory to help me with the second one. My hands, and especially my thumbs, have been severely weakened by the chemo treatments and I simply don’t have the strength needed to do some things that I pretty much took for granted. I hope this is temporary!

Bonnie picked me up at a bit before 11 this morning and we had lunch in town before heading up to her house on River Road. The drive up there is lovely and even more so now that the trees are beginning to leaf out and the grass is getting long and plush. The river is low but still glows an amazing emerald green color in many places. Anyway, Bonnie had recently purchased about $300 in art supplies (Hobby Lobby was having a 50% off sale) and had a surplus of canvases, so she handed one to me and I happily splashed paint for a couple of hours while she worked on a much larger canvas laid out on the floor. Good times!

Rory ended up cooking dinner and I was happy to hand over the reins just so I could put up my feet and rest. The tacos were yummy and it was one of the few meals that Lauren truly enjoys, so she happily ate her fill.

We received not one, but TWO boxes of produce in the mail! The smaller box contained citrus fruit, cucumbers and apples and the larger was bursting with beautiful little orange and yellow peppers, green beans, Brussels sprouts, zucchini, sweet potatoes and carrots. I think my sister is behind all this.😄