23 May – fifth (and last) break

Never, never underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. Oh. My. God. While I had some weird dreams (standard procedure for the first few days post-hospital), it was pure bliss to be back in my own bed and I felt completely relaxed this morning when I finally got up. My little kitty-girl, Amy, greeted me at the bedroom door and it was so nice to snuggle my warm fuzzy little shadow. Then it was on to small tasks, like making the bed, opening the drapes, petting the boys, making coffee and getting my bowl of yogurt. I miss these inconsequentials. As seemingly insignificant as they are, these are the things that make me feel attached to my home and family and when I’m deprived of them I tend to feel uprooted and adrift. While in the hospital I have a little morning routine of getting up, opening the room blinds, tidying my bed, putting away any clothing I may have left out to air the night before, and making tea. It’s one of the ways I try to maintain some version of normal while incarcerated.

I am going to do my level best to return to the hospital without a scratch, bruise or contusion on me. Otherwise, Dr. Santiago may very well kill me. There was much finger-wagging a few nights ago accompanying his stern admonition to lead a safe, boring life while on break. Meanwhile, my nurses have been threatening to encase me in bubble wrap because they all know just how much of a klutz I am!😆

Leftovers for dinner tonight. I’ve commandeered the kitchen and dug through all the veggies looking for something to go with two different kinds of pasta and it looks like we’re going to have an Asian slaw for our veggie option. I know, Asian + Italian = weird, but I’m NOT having Rory running up to HEB more than once this weekend if I can help it! Besides, the recipe I found looks to be really nice, light and tasty, plus I have all the ingredients on hand and I’ll be using up even more leftovers. What’s not to like?

Someone splash salt water on me and roll me back into the surf. After the yummy dinner and the wholly unnecessary piece of cheesecake, I feel remarkably like a beached cetacean. As it turned out, one of the pastas was actually a Thai stir-fry so the slaw went perfectly. I could have happily had just a big heaping bowl of that alone for dinner! Crunchy, light, savory, with just a hint of sweet… YUM.