6 July

1. A good set of colored pencils
2. The smell of a good roast in the oven
4. The way hills appear in the distance (pale purple fading to blue)

I’m being a kitty again, curled up in my recliner in my sunbeam. The day was, once again, quiet and uneventful other than a welcome break provided by Hannah, the lady who painted my room window back in April. This time she enlisted my help in making painted ceramic tile squares that will eventually be used to build a raised flower bed somewhere on the hospital grounds. It was a very welcome distraction from the usual doldrums – we painted and chatted for probably well over an hour and ended up with what I thought were a couple of very nice tiles. There is an overall design theme to the tiles but color and execution are left to the artists.

Mine’s on the right. Colorful!

I had dinner almost three hours ago and I’m hungry again. Blurgh… While I’m extremely grateful that we get fed, I do wish that the dinner trays wouldn’t arrive quite so early. Honestly, eating dinner at 4:30? Who even does that? Anyway, I may have to ask my nurse if there are any snack items available because my tummy’s beginning to grumble. I wish I could just get up and go raid the fridge but that isn’t an option. Poop.😑