11 March, cycle 2A – second day of chemo
I WEIGH 140 POUNDS!!!! WOO-HOOOO!!!!!! This means I’ve gained nearly 10 pounds since the beginning of my last break. YAY!!! Happy, dance, happy dance…
Oh, wait… that’s probably water weight due to all the fluids that are being pumped into me. Crap. What a buzzkill.
I once again got whisked off downstairs to…
10 March, cycle 2A – first day of chemo
Oh goody. I get my spinal tap today. What joyous fun.
Last night went pretty well given that it was my first day back in the hospital. I slept pretty well but that may have been due to the Benadryl I was given just before bedtime. The IV pumps belched and churned all night…
9 March – cycle 2A, first day
Welp, I’m baa-aaack. Got checked in this morning a bit after 10am and was taken up to my room. Whew! I’m once again on the south side of South Tower, which means I’ll have wonderful sun exposure on the days when it isn’t overcast. The room is a bit smaller than my other rooms were…
8 March – last day of second break
Yep. Here it is, the last day of freedom before nightly awakenings at midnight for blood labs. Vital checks around the clock. Countless pills to choke down. IV pumps clicking and growling right next to my hospital bed. Weird lights from monitors and diagnostic equipment flashing through the night. Nurses and doctors drifting into my…
7 March – second break
LAUNDRY. The household is up to its armpits in laundry. The entire floor outside the laundry room is covered in sorted piles awaiting their turn in the washer. I’m trying to work through the piles while Rory takes Leyna shopping. She’s outgrown all her warm weather clothes so they’re going to hit up Ross and…
6 March – second break
My time at home is winding down and Monday is looming larger on the horizon. I’ve already begun gathering the things I’ll need to take with me and making a list for Rory so he can pick up the various little oddments that I’ve run out of. This time I’d like to take some individual…
5 March – second break
Ugh. I came up against my first major reality check this morning. My ankles have been swelling so I decided to wear a pair of my compression socks, which honestly, are difficult to put on in the best of circumstances. Today, I managed to wrestle on the first sock but after many attempts and much…
4 March – second break
Not much to report. All is well. That sore spot on my right foot is still there but not bothering me as much and the redness doesn’t seem to be spreading. My appetite was ridiculous today – I ended up wolfing down what were essentially two dinners and then went into a serious food coma.…
3 March – second break
Feeling a bit stronger this morning, not quite as woozy and better able to navigate. I’m meeting my friend Anita for coffee at 12:30pm and I’m soooo looking forward to it. I haven’t gone out and played with friends since before I got sick and I feel more than a little bit like a hermit!…
2 March – second break
So…. not to freak anyone out or anything, but I was listening to NPR this morning after dropping the girls off at school and learned that one of the evacuees from that Coronavirus-riddled cruise ship had been quarantined at Lackland AFB in San Antonio. After initially testing positive for the disease, two subsequent tests, administered…