Category: Uncategorized

  • 10 June

    GRATITUDES:1. My kid’s talent2. A nice early morning walk3. All the interesting plants in our front yard4. The buck that allowed me to pause and admire him up close this morning5. Watching a young doe nurse her itty-bitty fawn It was a nice walk this morning. I was able to get up and going before…

  • 9 June

    GRATITUDES:1. No wasps on the back porch this morning!🎉2. A slightly cooler morning3. A not-as-long-as-expected day at the clinic yesterday So, yeah, about that visit to the BMT clinic… It really wasn’t nearly as bad as I’d imagined it would be and the tests, with the exception of the lung capacity test, were already familiar…

  • 7 June

    GRATITUDES:1. Feeling strong enough to go back on my morning walkies2. Morning coffee3. Drastically reduced wasp count on the front and back porches I think we (or rather, Rory) are slowly winning the battle against the Flying Menaces! Yesterday Rory went out onto the back patio with his power washer and blasted the underside of…

  • 5 June

    GRATITUDES:1. My 16-year-old daughter still calling out “MUMMEEEEE!!” when seeing me at the end of a work shift2. The cardinal that flew right up to my bedroom window to peek in and say hello. Twice!3. The geckos living under our deck with their sweet little peeping voices It’s A-LIIIIVVVE!!! I wasn’t expecting such an active…

  • 4 June

    Rain. Wonderful, glorious rain. I had just crawled out of bed this morning when I heard the once familiar but now slightly foreign noise of falling water pounding on our roof. I popped open my weather app and sure enough, there was a decent storm system moving through the area. It didn’t last for long,…

  • 3 June

    GRATITUDES:1. An evening alone with my hubby2. A (VERY) slowly recovering head of hair3. Late afternoon sunlight streaming in the back windows Okay, don’t get me wrong. I love my kids. Really. But tonight will be the first in YEARS that both critters will be out of the house at the same time – one…

  • 1 June

    GRATITUDES:1. Galloping kitties2. A kitty meeping at me when I first step out of the bathroom3. The smell of potatoes roasting in the oven4. Mockingbirds and robins singing in the morning Yep, skipped another blog entry yesterday. I awoke in the morning feeling a bit on edge emotionally and all it took was one song…

  • 30 May

    GRATITUDES:1. An outing with one of my kids2. A plate of leftover gnocchi for breakfast3. My morning cup of coffee I made potato gnocchi for the first time a few nights ago and I pilfered the leftovers for my breakfast this morning. Dang, they’re satisfying, or in the words of Sam Gamgee, “the Gaffer’s delight…

  • 29 May

    GRATITUDES:1. My hard-working kids2. Another good day3. Good Texas BBQ. (Okay, this is only an occasional thing, but it’s nice to know that we have TWO good BBQ places in our town.😍) As mentioned above, I’m extremely proud of my two bobbleheads. One (Basil) has managed to squirrel away over $6k from their job earlier…

  • 27 May

    GRATITUDES:1. Another beautiful day of life2. My husband and kids3. Being able to sit on our back patio with my coffee in the morning4. Our three big oak trees5. My little sycamore sapling, which is finally putting on some height and girth after being in the ground for nearly seven years YIPE. I haven’t posted…