Category: Uncategorized

  • 3 November

    So here it is. Election Day. I think I feel sick. We’re supposed to get together tonight (appropriately social distanced, of course) with our neighbors for the viewing of election results and the consumption of alcohol. I’ll have to be very careful how much I consume due to my still-cranky liver so I’ll probably function…

  • 25 October

    It’s a beautiful warm Sunday afternoon in late October and I’m once again picking scabs. Now that I have your undivided attention…😆 I’ve gotten back into the wallpaper stripping job and if I’m not careful, this project could completely take over my life and mushroom into something colossal. A while ago I suddenly had the…

  • 18 October

    Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me…🎉🎈🥳 Yep, it’s the first anniversary of my 59th birthday. Honestly, the sound of “60” is frankly so hideous that I’d like to deny its very existence for another year or so. My fifties are gone, up in smoke, POOF, and I’m staring down another decade, one in…

  • 14 October

    Yay! We got our general election voting out of the way this morning. We tried yesterday but the lines were ridiculous. They weren’t much better today but we decided to stick it out anyway and after over an hour of waiting at the polling place, the deed was done. Apparently in our county alone, there…

  • 7 October

    BLURGH. I’m days late in posting and there really isn’t much to report, so this is probably going to be a very short post! Online schooling continues for the girls. They’re approaching the end of their first nine-week grading cycle (!!!) and they’re going to remain online for the foreseeable future. Covid-positive cases have been…

  • 29 September

    Aaaahhhh…. fall is officially here! Well, Texas autumn, anyway, but I’ll take it gladly over the ridiculous heat we had in late summer. The sunlight has turned golden and the mornings are wonderfully cool. Visions of pumpkin muffins are beginning to dance in my head as well as thoughts of Halloween decorations, bundling up in…

  • 20 September

    It’s official. I now have just enough hair to wake up with appalling bed-head in the mornings!😆 It’s still only about 1/2-3/4” long but that seems to be quite enough to look as though it got brushed with an eggbeater when I climb out of the rack. So far, the Vincristine IV infusions don’t seem…

  • 13 September

    It’s finally, FINALLY cooled down to the point that it’s once again pleasant to park one’s self on the back patio for a while in the morning, which is exactly what I’m doing. It’ll warm up today to the upper 80s but that’s far more bearable than it has been. I think we’re finally clear…

  • 6 September

    Welp, I wish I could say that this week was a good one but I would be lying through my teeth. The oral chemo meds that I’ve been taking were delayed in their side effects but they’re settling in now with a vengeance. I started out with a slight ache in my neck last Sunday…

  • 30 August

    Summer’s officially over. The girls are back in school (remote learning, at least for the first nine-week grading period) and there’s more early-morning bustle in the house on the weekdays. I wish I’d had the presence of mind to set up my iPhone on a tripod to record the wacky goings-on of the first morning…