2 May – 2nd day of break
Had a much better night’s sleep last night. I was able to get about 7.5 hours of snooze time, interrupted by only one trip to the bathroom. Being off the constant saline IV drip certainly has its benefits!
Today’s big adventure will probably consist of tracking down and then ravaging an honest-to-God crawfish boil for…
1 May – 1st full day of break
I’m being an unrepentant blob, shuffling from living room to kitchen with occasional forays into the bathroom for showers and stuff. I actually had TWO breakfasts this morning: the first was a simple bowl of my favorite plain Greek yogurt with a spoonful of raspberry preserves mixed in. The second was some finally tasty scrambled…
30 April – going home!
GRATITUDES:1. See headline above2. The humidity outside (after breathing in desiccated filtered hospital air, the moisture is bliss to my poor battered nose and throat)3. The medications that are scrubbing my bone marrow of mutant cells4. Watching “Iron Man” for something like the seventh time
Home, home, home, HOME. Only until next Thursday but hey,…
29 April
GRATITUDES:1. GrubHub! (Yum)2. My friends3. My beautiful lagoon-colored chunks of fluorite4. My singing bowl So, hey, news: I have a very good chance of going home tomorrow! I was NOT anticipating this at all; in fact, I had prepared myself for another month of medical incarceration, and then the hospital rounds doctor told me this…
28 April
GRATITUDES:1. Thunder and lightning2. Rain3. The “cloud towers” that we get here in TX4. The smell of citrus blossoms in the air, rare here in the South but still sometimes noticeable Did I call it or what? Even as I type I’ve got someone else’s blood slowly dripping into my circulatory system. (To the anonymous…
27 April
GRATITUDES:1. My support network2. My talent3. My ability to get along with nearly anyone4. My appetite
Oof. Taking my shower this morning was a bit of a nightmare. My strength has once again completely checked out and now I can’t stand for more than a few minutes without getting very weak. Thankfully there’s a…
26 April
GRATITUDES:1. Rory’s cousin Devon, who is sending me pictures of lush Missouri spring greenery and recordings of birdsong2. My soft warm blanket that I brought from home3. My kids’ goofiness4. My relative stamina Whoa. I did NOT expect that. When breakfast came this morning I actually had to force myself to eat, and even then,…
25 April
GRATITUDES:1. My doctors (I’m sure I’ve mentioned them before but it bears repeating)2. Rain3. Photos of tropical places (hey, I have a vivid imagination. I can at least PRETEND I’m standing in crystal-clear water on a powdery white beach somewhere exotic!)4. Road trips. Rory hates them (way too much childhood trauma there) but I think…
24 April
GRATITUDES:1. My sweet, infuriating, wonderful kids
2. My husband, who would do anything possible for me
3. My creativity4. My life Last night was a first for me. I slept soundly for a good eight hours, without the use of painkillers or Benadryl. This morning I’m feeling a bit bleary but otherwise in pretty good shape. My…
23 April
GRATITUDES:1. A good support network2. Nurses who track me down to say hello3. My newly shaved head, even if it is a bit itchy4. My room As I mentioned above, one of my old nurses from my first hospitalizations came in early this morning and sort of booted out my scheduled nurse. Trisha was a…