Category: Uncategorized

  • A little better today…

    Robin had been having nightmares which made it difficult to sleep. The intern told her that’s a thing, and it’s probably the result of being cooped up in her room too long. So yesterday we made her get up and walk, and we also suggested she watch some TV (she doesn’t watch much). She did…

  • Visiting again…

    Rory here. We didn’t come down here last Sunday. The girls began to feel poorly, and we didn’t want to risk infection. But we’re back down today. Robin had a rough week, the she’s recovering from the drugs and doing all the things she’s supposed to do. In spite of that, she got a strep…

  • 30 January

    This is the second time I’ve skipped my gratitude section. Don’t worry, I’ll get back to it soon, but I want to hurry to offer an update. I had a restless night last night. Couldn’t sleep and began to feel warm, too warm, a bit past midnight. Turns out I was running a fever that…

  • 29 January

    Had my bone marrow biopsy this morning at 10:15. I wasn’t allowed to eat or drink ANYTHING after midnight so when the procedure was finished and a nurse handed me a cup of ice water, I chugged it down and then was looking for more. Today seems to be going a little better. Still no…

  • 28 January

    Things I’m grateful for: 1. My artistic talent. It’s my greatest gift and yet I feel that I’ve squandered it for most of my adult life. Getting well again will mean addressing this deficit. 2. My ability to get along with others, to strike up conversations with total strangers. I’ve never considered myself a terribly…

  • 26 January

    Things I’m grateful for: 1. My in-laws. Little firebrand prayer warrior Kathy and big lovable Mike, who says that I’m now one of his heroes, never mind that he’s a retired first responder and should be one of ours.❤️❤️ 2. More of my nursing staff, especially Alyssa, Claire, Angela and MaryGrace. Angels all. 3. I’m…

  • 25 January – day #6, post-chemo

    Things I’m grateful for: 1. Texas storms. Yes, they can sometimes be devastating, but what incredible power! Nature kicks some serious butt. 2. Texas springs. Fleeting, short, but incredibly beautiful, with wide swaths of bluebonnets and other wildflowers coming up almost at once. Then the big trees in the park begin to leaf out and…

  • 24 January – day #5, post-chemo

    Things I’m grateful for: 1. Home-cooked meals prepared with love and care. 2. My daughter’s little teddy bear, that she wanted me to take to the hospital. It reminds me of her gentle, sweet spirit every time I look at him. 3. My resilience and sense of the ridiculous over this bizarre turn of events.…

  • 23 January – day #4, post-chemo

    Things I’m grateful for: 1. The fact that our home is situated within fairly easy walking distance of Comal Springs, a natural spring that comes bubbling cool and clear from the ground and forms our little Comal River. Just sitting and listening to all that beautiful water rushing from the earth is magic. 2.Modern medical…

  • 22 January – day #3, post-chemo

    Things I’m grateful for: 1. That this ordeal will eventually pass. 2. My girls laughing and joking with me via FaceTime every night. Omg, I love those little twirps so much. 3. My body’s continued relative strength, despite the rigors of medical treatment it’s undergone. I’ve officially gone for more than 24 hours without any…