Category: Uncategorized

  • 20 April, cycle 2B

    My numbers are dropping through the floorboards. My white cells haven’t budged and are still at 0.1 and my hemoglobin has dropped to the point where I’ll need another transfusion. Platelets are doing okay but only because of the transfusion yesterday. I guess this is all normal and to be expected but DAMMIT I’d hoped…

  • 19 April, cycle 2B

    I had to have a platelet transfusion this morning due to my count being so low. All my numbers are still falling with the exception of the white blood cells, which are holding steady at 0.1. I may be given more blood as well. This doesn’t bode well for me getting out of the hospital…

  • 18 April, cycle 2B

    I received my first Granix injection today at noon. I don’t expect to see much if any change in my WBC cell by tomorrow morning but there should be s fairly significant jump by Monday morning. Once again, we wait for the results… I can’t seem to get my mind off food: shopping for food,…

  • 17 April, cycle 2B

    Patience. Patience, patience, patience. My white blood cell count is falling sooooooo slowly it’s making me nuts. It’s down to 0.1 today and I’m anxious to start the Granix injections but I know what Dr. Santiago wants to see happen with the cell counts and I JUST WANT TO GO HOME. At this point, I…

  • 16 April, cycle 2B

    Another day of waiting. *Sigh* My nurse hasn’t yet posted my count numbers for the day – I’ll have to ask her for them when she comes back in later this morning. It looks like another beautiful day outside and it’s supposed to turn a whole lot warmer in the next few days. Maybe by…

  • 15 April, cycle 2B

    Another beautifully gilded pink and gold morning. I enjoy watching the sun rise and the color wash over the landscape, turning from muted blues and purples to bright splashes of orange, pink and yellow. Maybe I’ll make a habit of this once I’m home – make a cup of coffee or tea and then park…

  • 14 April, cycle 2B

    I awoke a bit early this morning and now I’m watching the rising sun as it turns the Children’s Hospital wing a blush pink and then bright gold. I don’t know how long the clear weather is supposed to last but I may as well enjoy it while I can. I still wish I could…

  • 13 April, cycle 2B

    The day dawned bright, sunny and COLD. Okay, so cold is a relative term here in south central Texas, but it was only 45 degrees when I finally got moving around 7:30 this morning and the daytime highs will only be in the 60s. Still, it’s a pretty day and I intend to enjoy it…

  • 12 April, cycle 2B – Easter

    Welp, it’s Easter and I’m stuck in the hospital. *Sigh* I so wish I were home now. Even though we celebrated Easter a week early, it would still be nice to be with my family during a holiday. The hospital staff are trying to lighten the mood in the unit though and it’s really pretty…

  • 11 April, cycle 2B

    I had a much better night. My nurse, Trisha, was very mindful of waking me and so she grouped her visits in order for me to get more sleep. She was extremely tired herself, poor thing – she only got about three hours of sleep and had to rely on multiple infusions of coffee to…